My Daughter and Ski Buddy
Me with Miss Moonbeamer
So its official. I'm going to try and do 365 Days of Sit Ups AGAIN! As I said before, I failed miserably last year and petered out some time in May or June, BUT I ended up having the best abd muscles I've ever had for those short months. Any how, I guess I could try doing it again :-) I'm not going to document every day because frankly, nobody cares :-) I'm just going to do some little updates and try to mix things up with hopefully a weekly post. Here's some things I did THIS YEAR:
- 4 mile ski trek with my daughter (2 miles up a mountain and 2 down) today. The pic of me is shortly before my crash and burn on the way down - lol!! Thankfully Miss Moonbeam didn't flip or tumble.
- A short run
- Another Ski trek by myself
- sit ups every day so far :-)
- started doing some weight lifting with the boys. That is a BIG NEW STEP for me.
- Measured and weighed in.

Me with Miss Moonbeamer
So its official. I'm going to try and do 365 Days of Sit Ups AGAIN! As I said before, I failed miserably last year and petered out some time in May or June, BUT I ended up having the best abd muscles I've ever had for those short months. Any how, I guess I could try doing it again :-) I'm not going to document every day because frankly, nobody cares :-) I'm just going to do some little updates and try to mix things up with hopefully a weekly post. Here's some things I did THIS YEAR:
- 4 mile ski trek with my daughter (2 miles up a mountain and 2 down) today. The pic of me is shortly before my crash and burn on the way down - lol!! Thankfully Miss Moonbeam didn't flip or tumble.
- A short run
- Another Ski trek by myself
- sit ups every day so far :-)
- started doing some weight lifting with the boys. That is a BIG NEW STEP for me.
- Measured and weighed in.
Yay! I care. I am glad you saw some results from last year. What another amazing goal! So inspiring! :)
ReplyDeleteI am SO glad that you stopped by my blog today, so that I could find your fitness blog! I totally respect you for the weight that you lost and hope to find inspiration from you on my fitness and healthy journey! Now following ya!
ReplyDeleteYay! Good for you! :) Great skiing pics. I hope SFE is loving her skis!
ReplyDeleteLove the new blog look! I so wish we had the snow you do! I am tired of looking at the brown ground everywhere! We're in good ol Colorado, where is our snow? Please send some this way?
ReplyDeleteGood luck with your goal this year! I'm sure you'll do great! I may have to get a few situps in here and there as well!