My Daughter and Ski Buddy
Me with Miss Moonbeamer
So its official. I'm going to try and do 365 Days of Sit Ups AGAIN! As I said before, I failed miserably last year and petered out some time in May or June, BUT I ended up having the best abd muscles I've ever had for those short months. Any how, I guess I could try doing it again :-) I'm not going to document every day because frankly, nobody cares :-) I'm just going to do some little updates and try to mix things up with hopefully a weekly post. Here's some things I did THIS YEAR:
- 4 mile ski trek with my daughter (2 miles up a mountain and 2 down) today. The pic of me is shortly before my crash and burn on the way down - lol!! Thankfully Miss Moonbeam didn't flip or tumble.
- A short run
- Another Ski trek by myself
- sit ups every day so far :-)
- started doing some weight lifting with the boys. That is a BIG NEW STEP for me.
- Measured and weighed in.